The Shell Newsletter – January 13, 2022

From the Rector

Join the Livestream Ministry

There’s a clergy group on Facebook that I’ve belonged to for a few years called “Things they didn’t teach us in seminary!” It’s a good place to seek advice and share joys, and the title definitely fits for our newest ministry –  livestreaming worship. I learned nothing about cameras, sound systems, and video software in seminary!

The good news is that we have lots of tech expertise in our community, and it was through their leadership that last year we purchased equipment to allow us to livestream our in person worship. Since that time this ministry has been faithfully upheld by two people:  Zachary Krantz and Mike Henyon. Over time we’ve worked out most of the bugs and been able to put a process in place, and now it’s time to grow this ministry.

Zachary has stepped up to chair this ministry through training and organizing new members. Our hope is to have enough people participating so that everyone serves once every 4-6 weeks. If playing around with camera equipment and running the livestream sounds fun to you, then please sign up HERE. Zachary will then reach out to interested folks to set up training.

Huge thanks to Mike and Zach who’ve put in the time and effort to build our capability, I’m excited to see more people participating in supporting worship in this way going forward.

Yours in God’s peace,


Sunday Worship Information

Join us on Sunday, January 16, 2022, for the Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 am, on Zoom or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook.


A printable bulletin is available here.

We will “open the doors” beginning at 10:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning.  Kristin+ will give instructions at 10:25 am and we will begin recording and livestreaming the service promptly at 10:30 am.  Don’t worry if you’re late – you can still attend via Zoom if you “get to church” at 10:40!


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 8668 4148
Passcode: 242425
One tap mobile  +13017158592,,82086684148#


Facebook Livestream
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 10:30 am.  If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen.  There is a delay.

Due to the recent change in our worship schedule, there will be no in-door Sunday School classes (3rd through 12th grades) on January 16th, 23rd and 30th.  We will evaluate the situation at the end of the month and keep you informed.  Looking forward to getting back together again in February.




Candidates for the Vestry Class of 2022-2025
The Vestry Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates who will stand for election at the 2022 Annual Meeting:  Jim Bullington, Annie Horrigan, Gabby Markham, and Cheri McClanahan.  We are happy to present to you pictures and brief bios for each candidate.  Please mark your calendar now for our Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday, January 30th at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Jim Bullington

Jim was born in Takoma Park, Maryland, moved to Twin Brook, and then to Aspen Hill with his family. Jim graduated from Robert E. Peary High School and went on to get an AA degree from Montgomery College. Jim worked at McIntire Hardware in Rockville, Maryland until he was 21 when he started in the construction industry. Jim went into business for himself in 1983 as a Home Improvement Contractor and has built and renovated many homes in Mt. Airy and surrounding areas. He has three daughters and eight grandchildren and married his current wife Patty in 2006. He started coming to St. James’ in 2009. Jim has served as an Usher since 2010 and joined the Outreach Committee as well. Jim was selected for the Vestry in 2012 and became Jr. Warden because it was a natural fit, as he has the needed experience and no one else wanted the job. But that was ok. The funny part was when George Winters asked him to join the Vestry, George said the Vestry had a special job for him and Jr. Warden was his destiny. When Portia retired, Jim supported the effort to pick an interim Rector and was there when the Vestry selected Kristin Krantz as the new Rector for St. James’. Jim left the Vestry in 2018 but continues to contribute by helping with many tasks for the Church community.

Annie Horrigan

I have lived in Mt. Airy for 7 years with my husband, Andy and two children
(Jack – 4, Nora – 10 months).  My husband and I met in graduate school at the University of Georgia and moved back to Maryland shortly after graduation.  What attracted us to St. James’ was its sense of community and love of family.  We immediately felt at home here after our first visit.  I have been active in the youth group for the last couple of years and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to work with them on their faith journey.  Also, this past year I have worked with Kristin in leading the Confirmation candidates classes which I have enjoyed a great deal.  Professionally, I have been employed at Morgan Stanley in Baltimore for the past 8 years where I am the Director of New Accounts Operations.  In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and I love to be in the kitchen trying out new recipes.  In the coming months I am going to be transitioning to a new chapter in my life, and having the opportunity to stay at home with my children, and I cannot wait. I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve on the Vestry, and helping others to feel as welcome as my family.


Gabby Markham

My name is Gabrielle Markham but everyone just calls me Gabby. I am 35 years old and I have an amazing daughter named Abby . I love to crochet and draw and listen to Abby play music. I work at an at home daycare; it’s a job I find it  very rewarding . On Easter in 2019 we attended services at St. James’ and never left. I am so proud to be apart of this spiritual community.


Cheri McClanahan

Cheri grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland where she started attending a local Episcopal church, Church of the Ascension in 1991 and volunteered with the Sunday School program. She moved to Mount Airy in 1997 and attended Grace New Market where she served on the vestry and one term as church auditor. She started attending St. James’ church in 2003. She has served on the vestry with St. James’, on the Rector search committee, and one year as Senior Warden.

Cheri is a recent graduate from FCC with an Associates, Honors in Business Administration degree and works full time for a National Engineering firm in Ashburn, Virginia as an Administrative Manager.

Cheri and Tim have two children Bryce (22) and Trevor (20) and a furry four-legged daughter Flower (3). In her spare time, she enjoys reading and spending time at her getaway in Fredericksburg, Virginia.


Notice of Annual Meeting

The 2022 St. James’ Episcopal Church Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 9:30 am on Zoom, followed by online worship at 10:30 am.  NOTE:  For this Sunday only worship will be on Zoom and livestreamed to Facebook.

The Annual Meeting is one of the most important things we do as a community. It is a time for us to come together to:
· review all that we’ve accomplished in the previous year
· elect leaders to Vestry and our Diocesan Convention Delegate and Alternate
· pass our annual budget
· look forward to the opportunities and challenges in the year ahead

Please plan to attend!



Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:

Next Week’s Commemorations:

16 Richard Meux Benson, Religious, 1915, and Charles Gore, Bishop of Worcester, of Birmingham, and of Oxford, 1932
17 Antony, Abbot in Egypt, 356
18 The Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle
19 Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095
20 Fabian, Bishop and Martyr of Rome, 250
21 Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304
22 Vincent, Deacon of Saragossa, and Martyr, 304


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Ryan and Angie Ireland (Anna, Addy, Brayden)
Matt and Karen Kastel
Tom and Carla Kaufman

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.