Holy Week and Easter at Saint James’

Dear St. James’ Parish Family,

The warm weather as February is turning into March is a reminder that spring always follows winter, just as the empty tomb always follows the cross. We are deep in Lent, and our eyes are being turned toward the three great days and the day of the resurrection.

For as much as I love other seasons and holy days throughout the year, Holy Week is for me the heart of my journey with Christ. The celebration and hope of Palm Sunday; the intimacy of sharing a meal and washing one another’s feet on Maundy Thursday; the desolation of Good Friday; the all-encompassing mystery of Holy Saturday when we gather around the fire and tell our stories, standing on the threshold, before entering the promise of the resurrection; and then the joyful exuberance of Easter Day.

This journey may be one you’ve made for years, or it may be new to you. Either way I invite you to mark your calendar and make the intention to sink into power of these services. I cannot tell you what they will mean to you, but I can promise they will change you.

Yours in God’s peace,
