Call me when you need me

One of the pieces of coming to know each other is learning how we care for one another.  Pastoral care is an essential part of Christian community, and as your priest I have a role to play in this ministry.  There is no one size fits all way of caring for each other.  In my experience, some folk want others to walk with them the entire way when crisis or illness hits, while others invite people in at one point or another as they feel able.  What I want all of you to know is that I am here; I will do my best to be with you when you need me, whenever it is you want me to join you.  If this means coming to the hospital to pray with and anoint you before a procedure, call me.  If it means visiting you in the hospital after surgery, call me.  If this means visiting once you’re home, call me.  If it means talking on the phone and praying together when a family member or a friend or a pet are in crisis or dying, call me.  If it means grabbing coffee or tea or lunch to work through something, call me.  In short please know that I am here, so call me when you need me.

In peace,

An additional note:  This Sunday we welcome a guest Presider.  The Rev. Amity Carrubba is the Executive Director of Episcopal Service Corps and an Assistant Priest at St. Paul & the Redeemer Church in Chicago.  She is a dear friend from seminary (and one of Zachary’s Godmamas!) and will be joining us for worship!