St. James’ Nursery School News …

Volunteering at St. James’ Nursery School

St. James’ Nursery School has been blessed this year with a wonderful volunteer, Deb Schaeffer. Deb is the first church member to volunteer at our school on a regular basis and we have enjoyed having her working with the children and in our Teacher Resource Library (Thank you Deb!!!). Having an extra set of hands and another loving person in the classroom, and at our school, has been a terrific support to our staff and children.

I wanted to make the congregation aware of the volunteer opportunity that exists with the church’s school. We are proud of our accredited program and know that a connection to the community is one way we enrich the lives of our staff, children, and daily program. There are opportunities to do volunteer work outside of the classroom environment too. We can use help in our library, working with our die-cut machine, and cutting out and preparing learning materials for classroom use. Would you be interested in helping at our school?

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering at your church’s school, please send me an email or give me a call.

Pat Castle, Executive Director 301-829-0014