St James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School 2014-2015

Classes meet 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the lower level

Lent has begun and the Sunday School children are preparing to collect coins for their mite boxes. We will gather together to decorate our boxes and jars on March 1st. The coins collected in the mite boxes will be donated to the “A is for Africa” project, which we learned more about when Rick and Mary Anne Smith visited with us last month. One of the most exciting things we learned is that they are building a brand new library for the children, but they don’t have any books! The Sunday School team is very happy to announce that we are initiating a “B is for Books” drive! We hope to collect new and gently used books for the new library in Tanzania. It would be wonderful if each family could donate a copy of a favorite book and write a personal letter describing why the book is so cherished. All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to donate a book! Any books from young child to young adult will be welcome! And many thanks to St. James Nursery School for kicking off this drive by offering a box of books they no longer can use! Please con-tact Betsy Davis if you have any questions ( and look for the donation box in the Narthex.

Teacher volunteers are always welcomed to join this meaningful ministry. The curriculum, Living the Good News, is user friendly and encourages team teaching as well as term teaching. For infor-mation you may contact Joan Fader ( or speak with one of the volunteers listed below.

With sincere thanks to our dedicated teacher volunteers:

Co-Directors: Yvette Allen, Betsy Davis, Joan Fader
Yvette Allen (Bible Stories for Preschoolers coordinator)
Betsy Davis (Kindergarten – 2nd Grades)
Robin Kaizer and Cathy Schell (3rd – 5th Grades)
Joan Fader and Peter Sabonis (Middle School-High School)
Jon Fader (Music) ~ Nancy Nanavaty (Group Activities)