Sermons by Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett (Page 3)

A Sermon for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany 2015

The reading from First Corinthians is kind of disturbing, isn’t it? Paul seems convinced that the last judgment is coming soon, and he directs the followers of Jesus to live as if the only thing that matters is the present moment, and everything that is concerned with the future – weddings, funerals, hopefulness, and even grocery shopping, should be set aside to…

A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent 2014

“Nothing will be impossible with God.” It’s a simple, startling pronouncement from the angel Gabriel, one that, perhaps, we still have a hard time believing. And the difficulty lies not in those kind of existential conundrums that high school philosophers are so fond of, like: “Can God create a stone so heavy God can’t lift it?” No, the difficulty here is much…

A Sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent 2014

In case you were wondering, we didn’t run out of blue candles. Our Advent candle is pink today for a reason. It is the third Sunday of Advent, sometimes called ‘Rose Sunday,” but traditionally known as “Gaudete Sunday,” ‘gaudete being a Latin word that means ‘rejoice,’ because the proper introit for the day begins with that word. Our ancestors, in their wisdom,…