Past Events (Page 20)

Spring Clean Up

This Saturday, April 28th is Spring Clean Up Day from 9-12. If the weather does not cooperate we will let everyone know of the cancellation.  Our first choice of an alternate day is May 5th.

The Great Vigil of Easter

Our Vigil is a journey – a metaphorical one and a physical one, with stations along the way. We come in from the dark and cold each bearing the light of Christ and rest a while around the campfire telling sacred stories.  After renewing our baptismal vows, the light we kindled grows and our Alleluias…

Holy Week with Children

Our Holy Week with Children service draws upon the rituals and symbols of all the services of Holy Week – inviting children and accompanying adults into the story, the action, the reflection, and the wondering about this Mystery we are coming close to. Using the framework of storytelling, this service offers a time to slow…

Good Friday Solemn Liturgy and Holy Communion

As Maundy Thursday ends without a dismissal, Good Friday begins without an acclamation, and includes a solemn liturgy with Holy Communion from reserve sacrament.  It again ends without a dismissal, holding ourselves within the entire Three Great Days of the Paschal Triduum.

Maundy Thursday

We will begin at 6:30 pm with a Simple Soup Supper followed by Holy Eucharist, Washing of Feet and Anointing of Hands.  We will end with the Stripping of the Altar. The washing of feet on Maundy Thursday is one of the most ancient and universal rites in the Christian Church. It is a reminder…