The Shell Newsletter – August 20, 2020


August at St. James always seems like a sleepy month – many folks are on vacations or focused on preparing their children to start school.  But, many parishioners and committees are busy preparing for this fall.

  • The Sunday School teachers recently had discussions with parents to envision what classes could look like this fall.
  • The Youth Group met in August to play a game over Zoom.
  • Our Scout troops are really busy – two Boy Scouts have identified projects at St. James to help them earn their Eagle Scout Award.  They also are hosting a Food Drive this Saturday and Sept.19 to benefit Mt. Airy Net.
  • The Basket Raffle Committee is busy planning their event to be held (hopefully) in November. They will still take donations of items or gift cards to restaurants,stores, etc.
  • Our Treasurer is always busy making sure our bills are paid and also meeting with our bank to discuss ways in which we can meet our loan payments.
  • Our Nursery is preparing to open for classes the week of Labor Day.  Please pray for the teachers as they start their school year.
  • The Thrift Shop is also bustling with customers and could always use a hand to help sort merchandise.
  • Our Parish Administrator continually enables our communication with each other among all her other tasks.

There are many others that are constantly working behind the scenes to ensure our Parish runs smoothly and I apologize for not naming everyone. Please thank these people and pray for their continued success!

Jeannie Pellicier
Senior Warden

Sunday Worship Information






We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field.  All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant for Regathering, including:

  • wearing a mask
  • maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household
  • only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease
  • abstaining from attending if doing so would put you at greater risk because of your own health status

To attend outside worship please plan to bring your own chairs or blanket.  You will be asked to spread out in the field facing the building, keeping at least 8 feet between households – so consider hats or an umbrella for shade.  While this will be a service with Holy Communion (wafers only), you are free to choose if you feel comfortable receiving the sacrament.

If outside worship needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather a decision will be made by 4:00 pm the day before when possible, and if it needs to be cancelled, an email will be sent out.  In the case of unanticipated bad weather, including rain which would inhibit our ability to use sound amplification, an update will be posted to our Facebook page by 7:30 am the morning of.  You can check our Facebook page for updates.


Join us on The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook.

A printable bulletin is available here.

We will “open the doors” beginning at 10:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning.  Kristin+ will give instructions at 10:25 am and we will begin recording and livestreaming the service promptly at 10:30 am.  Don’t worry if you’re late – you can still attend via Zoom if you “get to church” at 10:40!

 Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 1300 4267
Passcode: 113888

One tap mobile

Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US

Facebook Livestream
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 10:30 am.  If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen.  There is a delay.

Nursery School

The Nursery School is excited to welcome back students and staff in early September for in-person classes. The school will be operating in accordance with enhanced safety protocols from the state and diocese including reduced class sizes; increased cleaning and PPE measures; and other COVID-related adjustments. Staff have already begun preparing the school for the returning children and virtual welcome events are scheduled for families. While the school year will be different, the Nursery School will continue to have an enriching learning environment for all children in attendance.

There are a few spots that remain open at the school. The program is open to children who turn two, three or four before September 1, 2020. Parents can call the school office at 301-829-0014 for more information and to set up a tour. They can also contact the school’s Director, Patricia Castle, by email at

The Nursery Board asks that everyone keep the children, staff and school in their prayers during this time of preparation and during the school year for a safe and vibrant experience for everyone.


Kristin+ Vacation
Kristin+ will be away from August 17 through August 24.  If you have a pastoral emergency please contact Jeannie Pellicer, Senior Warden.  The Rev. Dr. Ann Boyd will join us for worship on Sunday, August 23.

Help request from the Buildings & Grounds Committee
One of the refrigerators in the church kitchen has reached the end of its service life and needs to be removed from the building. As of right now there is no impending plan to replace it so we are asking for help in removing the refrigerator and getting it to an appropriate appliance recycling center. Anyone who can help dispose of the fridge please send me an email and I can give you more details.

Thanks in advance and be well,
Ty Conlon, Junior Warden

Scouting for Food
St. James will be a drop off location on 8/22 and 9/19 from 9am-3pm for Scouting for Food.  We are looking for Food donations which will benefit Mount Airy Net.  The parking lot will be setup as a drive through/drop off site and Troop 829 will be running it.

As you may have heard by now, we will NOT be having our traditional Basket Raffle this year, BUT the Raffle Committee is hoping to be able to have a small version of it before the holidays IF we are able to gather inside the church by then.

Therefore, if you have any items that can be used in creating baskets or for a Silent Auction that you would like to donate, please call Marilyn Hancock at 301-788-0136 or e-mail her at to schedule a time to meet at the church lower level door. Without your wonderful donations, we will not be able to move forward!

Please consider donating any items in good condition that may be suitable for men, women, or children of all ages.  Some of our previous basket themes have been for babies, teens, teachers, pets, game/movie night, spa, jewelry, tea time, taco night, crab feast, sports memorabilia, fishing, golf, car wash/auto supplies, cooking, gardening, birding, crafts, tools, healthcare, exercise and inspirational.

Items for the Silent Auction would be those that would generate higher bids by themselves rather than as a part of a basket.  Such items could include paintings, quilts, unopened perfume, fine jewelry or high-value gift certificates, and the like.

Once again, thank you for helping to support our church’s fundraising during this difficult time.  God bless you and yours~

Marilyn Hancock
Basket Raffle 2020 Chairperson

Annual Thrift Shop Supply Drive

Please help restock the Thrift Shop’s supplies.  Batteries for donated toys, masking tape, paper products and more are needed.   Donations will be accepted beginning August 1 at 8:30 worship in the Memorial Garden or during regular church office hours.  Check out the list at our Amazon registry.  

You can purchase directly off the registry or shop local.  We are not particular about brands.  No one is actually getting married……we’re just really clever at finding convenient ways for you to help!

Thursday Lunchtime Bible Study


Please join us August 27 for Bible study at 11:30 am.  

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 2357 3297
Passcode: 9734584
One tap mobile +13017158592,,89623573297# US

Lectionary Readings for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost:

Next Week’s Commemorations:

23  Martin de Porres, 1639, Rosa de Lima, 1617, and Toribio de Mogrovejo, 1606, Witnesses to the Faith in South America

29  John Bunyan, Writer, 1688

Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

David and Brittany Echeverria (Kellen, Daxton, Rowan)
Bill and Lynda Ellis
Bob and Carolyn Etzler

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special
prayer requests.