COVID-19 (coronavirus) Update from St. James’

As news about the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 changes daily, parish leaders and I have been monitoring the situation closely and seeking guidance from our Bishop, the wider church, and public health officials.  For the latest on COVID-19 from the CDC please click here and consider signing up for daily email updates from the Johns Hopkins Center for Heath Security here.

First, please know that at this time no one at St. James’ has been exposed to COVID-19.  If you or someone you are connected to has been exposed and we are not aware please contact me [ insert email address ] In the meantime, we are asking everyone to take care of themselves and their families, and to think of the health of our communities.  We continue to recommend following the wise, general public health advice provided by the CDC, the State of Maryland, and the Diocese:

  • Stay home from church (and other public gatherings) if you are sick with a respiratory illness or flu-like symptoms, or if you are in a high risk group.
  • Wash your hands frequently (for at least 20 seconds), use hand sanitizer (60-90% alcohol) if washing with soap and water is not practical.
  • Avoid touching your face.

Second, we will continue to take steps large and small to reduce the likelihood of the virus being transmitted in our community.  This will include changes to our worship and fellowship, and what events continue as planned or get delayed.  Here is a rundown of these changes:

Will there be church?
Yes. But we will take a number of steps to reduce the likelihood of infection (more on that below). If you are sick with fever, cough, or cold please stay home.  If you are nervous about attending because of infection I completely understand. Please stay home and use the worship resources below, and also let me know.  While we are practicing ‘social distancing’ we don’t want people to be isolated.  Please keep in touch with me about pastoral and physical needs and we will work as a community to care for one another.

Changes to Worship
Following new guidelines from our Bishop, beginning this Sunday we will offer communion ‘in one kind’ (that is Bread only), and we will use wafers instead of our usual bread.  We are temporarily suspending sharing the common cup.  Instead a small amount of wine will be consecrated symbolically and consumed by the altar party.  We will return to offering wine when the risk from COVID 19 is passed.  It is important to note that theologically, we believe that Jesus is fully present in both the bread and the wine.  Jesus cannot be divided and to receive in one kind is perfectly acceptable.

Because the most common way COVID-19 is spreading is via hands, we are discouraging everyone from exchanging the peace by shaking hands and hugging.  Instead you are invited to greet one another with the customary words and a bow, by flashing the traditional “peace sign,” or by some other method that doesn’t involve physical contact.  I will be teaching the ASL sign for peace, which is quite lovely, at services going forward as well.

Other Changes
Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the church, and while ushers will be there to greet you, you will be invited to take a bulletin on your own rather than having one handed to you.  For offerings, instead of passing the offering plates during services, we will now place the collection baskets on the back credence table for people to leave their offerings in as they arrive.  We have temporarily removed holy water from the font, so if it is your practice to dip your fingers and make the sign of the cross we ask that you continue to offer prayer without touching the font.  And finally, all coffee hour hosts have been asked to only bring store bought foods, and nothing that requires communal sharing (like hummus or guacamole).  Please use the tongs and other serving instruments set out.

Upcoming Events & Meetings
I am asking all ministries and groups to consider postponing and rescheduling non-essential gatherings until further notice.  If you have a question or would like to discuss this further please give me a call.

In light of this, the upcoming Lenten classes on Anglican Spirituality will be rescheduled until some time during Eastertide – look for new sign ups in a few weeks.

Worship at Home
If you are unable to make it to worship on Sunday, below are some options for praying at home.  Additionally, Sunday sermons are posted on our website by Monday afternoon.  And who knows, maybe this will lead us to try out live streaming worship!  If that happens we’ll let you know.

Through all of this my hope is that our understanding of community and God’s love is enlarged as we work together to help one another.  Please continue to pray for those who have contracted the virus, those who are out of work or otherwise suffering because of the impacts of the virus, and for the doctors, nurses and researchers around the globe working towards a cure.

Yours in God’s peace,