The Shell Newsletter – October 24, 2019


Dear St. James’ family,

This Sunday after the 10:30 service we will gather for our Fall Feast Potluck and reflect on how we Shine Our Light as members of St. James’.  Then on the following Sunday, 11/3, we will offer our pledges to support St. James’ in 2020.

If you have not already had a chance, we hope you will review the stewardship materials enclosed in your third quarter giving statement envelope, and then prayerfully consider what you will give. Our stewardship goal this year is $210,000, which will allow us to continue our current programs and staffing level. We are asking you to reflect on how you can help St. James’ become a financially sustainable community.

New Pledgers — If you haven’t pledged, please consider making a pledge of any size. In recent years, we have received pledges from about 67% of the member households. Our hope is to have 100% pledge participation, as both a symbol and reality of our shared community and responsibility. No pledge is too small; truly every bit helps.

Past Pledgers — If you haven’t pledged in recent years, even if you’ve continued giving, please consider re-joining the pledge rolls.  We plan our budget based on the amount pledged so you are helping us make decisions about the future of our congregation.

Pledgers with Capacity — If you are able to stretch from your current pledging level, taking the prayerful risk to give more, you can help St. James’ sustain its growth and outreach into our community. Please consider a prayerful increase to your pledge.

Maxed-out Pledgers — If you have done the hard work and decided that you are pledging as much as you can, know that that is enough. The financial responsibility for our parish is a shared one and we do not, would not, ask you to stretch farther than your judgement allows.

If you haven’t signed up for the Fall Feast Potluck yet don’t worry!  Just bring something to share this Sunday after the 10:30 am service. Then bring your pledge card on Sunday, 11/3, when together we will bring our pledges to the altar. We trust that God is present in this hard work and in the living out of our generosity.

In a few weeks, the Vestry will use our pledges to begin to firm-up the draft budget, making the decisions that will shape the experience of St. James’ in 2020. We hope you will join us in praying, stretching, and pledging so that we continue to Shine Our Light in the coming year.

Faithfully, The Stewardship Committee & St. James’ Vestry

Thrift Shop

Well by now I am sure everyone has heard the news. We are so excited for 2020 and all the changes we have coming our way over the next couple of months. The Shop will remain open during our transformation. So please come in and see us and all the items we have for sale.


Halloween adorns our front windows, lots of costumes and Halloween décor.

The weather is turning colder!  Come check out our Jackets, coats, scarves and glove selection. We have sizes from youth to adult.

The Thrift Shop is always looking for volunteers. So please come check us out. Give thrifting a try. You never know what treasure awaits you!

Whether shopping or donating you are giving!

Thrift with purpose!

Sandy – St. James’ Thrift Shop Manager


Parish Administrator Hours for the week of October 27, Monday through Thursday 10-4. Vestry Nominations  The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce they are accepting nominations for the 2020-2023 Vestry Class.  A nominating form is available in the narthex which details ideal qualities for candidates as well as Vestry member responsibilities.  You can submit your name or the name or someone you think would be a candidate in the box provided.  Deadline for nominations is 11/24.

We Want To Know  How does St. James’ shine its light on you?  Take time to fill out a star and add it to our bulletin board. Check out the October 20 Stewardship Moment.

Gratitude Calendar  Every November we set aside a day to be thankful – and this year you’re invited to spend the entire month practicing gratitude.  Pick up a copy of the November Gratitude Every Day calendar and follow the simple daily prompts.  Appropriate for all ages, you can use them to jump start mealtime conversations, create a wall of gratitude by writing your answers on post-it notes and sticking them up, or as a way to begin a gratitude journal.  Email Rev. Kristin if you’d like an electronic copy of the calendar.

November Book Discussion Group
The dates have been set!  We will meet at the Mount Airy Tavern.   You can choose from Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 pm or Tuesday, November 19 at 7:00 pm.  Our book selection is Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown.  Sign up in the narthex.

Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:

Jane Barger
Stephen and Jamy Batdorff (Jackson, Jacob, Julianna)
Joyce Beddow

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.


This week's Commermorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2019, Church Publishing Group)

Novmeber 3Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600
November 6William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1944
November 7Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, 739