The Shell Newsletter – April 11, 2019

From the Rector – The Holiest of Weeks

This Sunday when we wave our palm branches, we will enter again the holiest of weeks in the Christian year, telling our holiest of stories.  The services of Holy Week – Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, all leading to Easter Day – are one journey telling the same story:  the story of how God loves us so much that nothing can ever separate us from that love, not even death.

And so once again I invite you to make time and space for this journey, and for these services.  In particular I hope you will come to the Triduum – The Three Great Days:  Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.  The services on these three days are like no other, taking us deeply into Christ’s final days and hours, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter Day.  Every year people share with me how meaningful they find them, how close to God they feel, and gratitude for how our faith tradition offers these services.  I hope you too find a spiritual touchstone in Holy Week, as it is so beautifully captured by Dolores Dufner OSB ~

Three holy days enfold us now in washing feet and breaking bread, in cross and font and life renewed:  in Christ, God’s first-born from the dead.

The mystery hid from ages past is here revealed in word and sign, for Jesus’ story is our own:  new life through death is God’s design.

Christ lifted high upon the tree, before you every knee shall bend, and every tongue in praise proclaim:  “You are the Lord of all. Amen.”

 I look forward to this journey with you, that we will gather on Easter Day to ring forth our alleluias with hearts filled with God’s love.

Yours in God’s peace,


Many of you have been faithfully working on your Lenten Calendars as is evidenced by the pile that has already accumulated in the narthex.  Please remember to bring your donations to Mt. Airy Net for a special blessing during the Offertory on Easter Day!







Mt. Airy Net, Inc. is seeking members for the Board of Directors

Mt. Airy Net, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides support and services for those in need within the 21771 zip code.  Services include a crisis support, food distribution, assistance with prescription and utility costs.

Mt. Airy Net Board has several open positions and is looking for qualified volunteers. Board members are expected to attend monthly meetings, participate in planning and staffing of outreach events, and provide input and guidance to ensure that Mt. Airy Net continues to follow sound ethical, legal, and financial policies, while using the appropriate resources to advance its mission.

Mt. Airy Net is located in Calvary United Methodist Church at 403 S. Main Street, Mt. Airy, MD

If you are interested in being considered to serve on the Board of Directors, or if you have questions, please send letter of interest and resume to: or contact Patty Bullington at

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King
St. James’ Chapter
Meetings:  lst Tuesdays of the month in the Church sitting area 4:00 p.m.

An Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church
who undertake a Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service
by reaffirmation of promises made at Confirmation.

As the Daughters of the King continue to faithfully pray for you and members of your families, we hope you will lift us in prayer as well for faithfulness in service:

O Lord, Jesus Christ, head of the mystical body of which we are members,
cleanse our eyes to see you, quicken our ears to hear you, open our lips to
show forth your praise, give our hands skill to do your bidding and make our
feet swift to go where you guide, that your Kingdom may come and your will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.  For your dear sake.  Amen.

Karen Dulany, Joan Fader, Margaret Neff, Peg Pelc


Office Schedule for the week of April 14.
Monday – Thursday 10-4.

Easter Egg Hunt!
It’s time to get ready for our Easter Day egg hunt!  We are asking folks to bring in filled plastic eggs – stickers, erasers, seashells, charms, and printed scripture verses (as well as candy!) are all possible ideas.  Empty eggs are available to pick up in the narthex, please return them to the marked plastic bin by Easter Day.


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Richard Drehoff, Jr.
Bryant and Karen Dulany
James Dunbar and Kingsley Edwards

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.

Readings for the Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion, April 14, 2019 :
Zechariah 9:9-12
Philippians 2:5-11
Luke 19:28-40
Luke 22:14-23:56

This week’s Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2019, Church Publishing Group)

April 14          Edward Thomas Demby, 1957, and Henry Beard Delany, 1928, Bishops
April 15          Damien, Priest and Leper, 1889, and Marianne, Religious, 1918, of Molokai
April 16          Mary (Molly) Brant (Konwatsijayenni), Witness to the Faith among the Mohawks, 1796
April 19          Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Martyr, 1012