The Shell Newsletter – December 13, 2018

From the Rector – The Hospitality of Christmas

In Advent, as we look toward Christmas, we prepare our hearts to welcome the Christ child.  At home, we often prepare our houses for holiday guests.  When we prepare, we offer hospitality – that is, the disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm and generous way.

It is a reminder to pay attention to how we, as a faith community, offer hospitality to everyone who will make their way to St. James’ this Christmas.  Here are a few ways you can help us prepare!

Invite a friend or neighbor to come to church with you on Christmas Eve.  So many people are longing for something deeper at this time of year, yearning for good news.  Will you offer them the gift of loving community?

Make room for all by helping to set up our worship space by putting out all of the chairs after the 10:30 am service on 12/23.

Spread light by helping us line our walkways with beautiful luminaria for our Christmas Eve services.  We need two teams of a couple people each to assist – one to come early and set them out by 4:00 pm to be ready for the first service – and the second to help bring them all in after the late service.  If you are available to help please contact Ashley Conlon.

Share something sweet by bringing cookies for our receptions after the Christmas Eve services.

Yours in God’s peace,


On Sunday, December 9, St. James’ had the pleasure of hosting Carrie Vincent from Carroll County Social Services who spoke to us about the foster care system.  This year they had to send children entering foster care in Carroll County to homes in other counties because there were not enough foster homes available in county.  Sometimes children have to be placed in group homes which is not the best atmosphere to grow up in.  They try as best as they can to keep siblings together.  Sometimes as many as six siblings need foster care and in those cases it is not always possible to keep them together.  Foster homes are greatly needed in Carroll County.  Foster parents have the option to choose whether or not they can help children with disabilities or behavioral issues, or just children that need a loving and safe home – as well as what ages they are able to take in.  Social Services try, whenever able, to keep children in their same school district.  There is no age limit for a foster parent, only a loving and giving heart is needed.  There are pamphlets in the narthex if you would like to know more about becoming a foster parent.

In 2019, the foster care program is starting a new initiative for interested people to take foster children out of their foster home for a day or a few hours of fun and adventure.  We think this is a wonderful opportunity to help those less fortunate and provide a chance to give of ourselves.  Carroll County s willing to provide background checks on any individuals interested in this.  If you feel compelled to help with this program, please talk to Cheryl Windsor.

The gifts for the foster kids, and for the Pleasant View residents, will be delivered on Monday, December 17.  Thank you all for your support and generosity!

Blessings from the Outreach Committee


Daughters of the King

An Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church
who undertake a Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service
by reaffirmation of promises made at Confirmation.

Karen Dulany, Joan Fader, Margaret Neff, Peg Pelch

The Daughters of the King will continue to pray for parish members during Advent-Christmas and beyond.  If you have special concerns or requests at any time, we will honor them for you.  Please contact Joan Fader (

Prayer for Advent

Lord Jesus, shower us with your spirit.  Give us the courage
to live out the promises of our baptism.  May we be alive with
your word burning within us.  May we speak of your love with
enthusiasm.  Most important, help us to be messengers of your
care to others.  Give us strong and gentle hands to reach out to
our sisters and brothers today and everyday.  Amen.



Office Hours For Laura Week of December 16
Monday through Thursday 10-4.

Our recent Holiday Quartermania event was a huge success!!  We earned a whopping profit for our church of $1,675.25!!!!  This was our best Quartermania by $26.75 since our very first bi-annual event in June 2011.

Thank you ever so much to each of you who graciously helped me with preparations before, as well as, working during our fun event.  I am so appreciative for the wonderful St. James’ family we have!

~Marilyn Hancock, Quartermania Chairperson

Angel Tree Gifts
Please be sure to bring your gifts to church by Sunday, December 16.  They will be delivered to Pleasant View and to CCSS on December 17.  Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

Winter Retreats for Adults at the Claggett Center

This retreat is entitled Living the Good News Lifestyle.  It will be held  at The Bishop Claggett Center on Buckeystown Pike in Adamstown.  The St. James’ Daughters of the King are planning to attend.  If you are interested and would like to attend as a group, please see Karen Dulany, Joan Fader or Margaret Neff.

Assistant Teacher Position Available at St. James’ Nursery School
If you or someone you know would be interested in a position as a classroom assistant working Monday, Wednesday and Friday, beginning January 3, please have them email me ( or call the school at the number below as soon as possible. I am seeking someone with a sincere interest in Early Childhood Education, preferable someone with training and education in the same and prior experience working with young children.   Please let me know if you have any questions!   Pat, Director  301-829-0014

Christmas Eve luminarias – help needed!
This year we plan to line our front and back walkways with beautiful luminaria bags.  We need two teams to assist – one to come early and have everything ready by 4:00 pm on 12/24 – and the second to help bring them all in after the service.  If you are available to help in either way please contact Ashley Conlon.

Evensong to celebrate Bishop Chilton Knudsen’s ministry and to bid her farewell, December 16, 5:00 PM, prelude, 4:45 PM, Cathedral of the Incarnation. Clergy: Vest in choir dress by 4:30 PM and process. Church banner procession line up, 4:45 PM. The prelude and service will be streamed live online, the link to the live webcast will be posted to our website homepage,


6 December 2018


Growing up in a Navy family, I absorbed the cultural practices of Hail and Farewell, and to this day I remember the duties of a “short-timer.” Not only did we wear a small blue and gold ribbon, we made a list of people to whom thank you letters would be ideally hand-delivered. We thought about who should receive personal effects which exceeded the capacity of our military cargo container. We made our lists of memories to cherish. We planned our “send off” and made sure the invitation list was complete. The rituals urged that we publicly articulate how we wanted to be remembered. And we disclosed as much as possible about our next posting as we said Farewell.

Saying Farewell is not easy work, but it’s important work: it honors time shared together on this grace-filled and challenging journey called life. The bonds we have built with one another are sacred and holy. We have, as Diocese of Maryland and Assistant Bishop, spent a good season together, and I am deeply grateful. Memories I will cherish, to mention only a few:

The utter joy of working with a devoted diocesan staff – true colleagues in every way

Ribbon-cuttings and groundbreakings for new additions, environmental projects, renovations, new church furnishings and rededicated facilities

Confirming and receiving hundreds of people, young and old, and seeing how their faces change as they experience that sacramental moment

Celebrating New Ministries as clergy and people commit to shared ministry in a new chapter

Regional and diocesan clergy gatherings where, increasingly, we were honest and bold in sharing with one another our truths

Walking the path of racial reconciliation and truth-telling with you in a number of contexts

Being at Claggett for so many programs, retreats, seminars, vestry days and youth events

The wide-open road trips to sturdy, faithful congregations in the western part of our diocese

The tenacity and vibrancy of our small churches, and their new community with one another

Welcoming Michael Curry, our Presiding Bishop, “home” to the Diocese of Maryland, and the wondrous night we had with him at our 2017 Diocesan Convention

The many moments with people discerning and pursuing vocational promptings, as ordained or as intentional lay ministers

Welcoming folks into the new Deacon Formation Program, and feeling the vision take hold

Being with elected General Convention deputies in Austin this summer for the work of the whole church.

As we end this season in ministry, I want to tell you all how gratified I have felt as we’ve spent time together. It’s been the best three years of my ministry. I will begin assisting the Bishop of Washington in mid-February, and look forward to that next chapter. But you will always be in my heart and in my prayers. I love you so much, Diocese of Maryland. Goodbye and thank you.

Ever in Christ,


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Charles and Susan Riel
Chris and Kara Rosenker (Vivienne)
Nicholas and Rebecca Sach (Alexander, Juliana, Sophia)

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.

Reading for the Third Sunday of Advent, December 16, 2018 :
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Canticle 9
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18

Commemorations for the week of December 16, 2018:

16 Ralph Adams Cram, 1942, and Richard Upjohn, 1878, Architects, and John LaFarge, Artist, 1910
17 William Lloyd Garrison, 1879, and Maria Stewart, 1879, Prophetic Witnesses
19 Lillian Trasher, Missionary in Egypt, 1961
21 Saint Thomas the Apostle
22 Charlotte Diggs (Lottie) Moon, Missionary in China, 1912 or Henry Budd, Priest, 1875