The Shell Newsletter – November 8, 2018

From the Rector – Shining a Light So Lovely

Today we woke to news of another mass shooting in our nation.  Every day it seems as if forces are working to stoke fear and deepen divides among us.  What can we do in times such as this?

First and foremost we are called to pray.  Not the trite “thoughts and prayers” that flood our airwaves and news feeds after tragic events, but deep prayer to call us back to our center in God.  This prayer can reset our hearts and minds so that we respond to the world with love and compassion, rather than react with the same fear and hate that swirls around us.

When we are grounded in God – our tools are empathy, mercy, justice, love, humility, gratitude, and kindness.  And as the old song goes, they will know we are Christians by our love.  Beloved author Madeleine L’Engle put it this way: “We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.”

It is with this in mind that you are invited to pick up a “free compliments” flyer to take and hang up around town or at your work or wherever you think it will help to shine light.  These beautiful flyers read “free compliments – take one or pass it along – love. St. James’ Episcopal Church” and have tear away  tabs that say things like “You amaze me!”, “You are loved!”, and “What you’re doing matters!”

Our hope, as life continues to unfold and the holiday season approaches, is that we can sow seeds of the Gospel of Christ and bring joy into our neighbor’s lives.  Please consider participating in this prayerful action to push back against the darkness of division through shining that light so lovely it has the power to transform hearts.

Yours in God’s peace,

From the Vestry

Vestry Nominations
The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce they are accepting nominations for the 2019-2022 Vestry Class.  A nominating form is available in the narthex which details ideal qualities for candidates as well as Vestry member responsibilities.  You can submit your name or the name or someone you think would be a candidate in the box in the narthex.



Guest Speakers
We are having two speakers from outreach areas that we support to talk about what they do.  First, is Sue Veres, from Mt. Airy Net who will be visiting with us on Sunday, November 11 right after the 10:30 Service.  Second, is Carrie Vincent, from Carroll County Social Services who will be visiting with us on Sunday, December 9 right after the 10:30 Service to talk about the foster care program.  Please join us!


Care Packages
Our college kids LOVED their packages!  We received pictures and thank you emails from them as well as thank you’s from their parents!  Let’s keep this going for next year.  Thank you all for your wonderful generosity!

Does anyone else smell the pumpkin pie and the turkey roasting in the oven?  Well, I’m sure our adopted families from Mt. Airy Net are imagining just that.  Please have your goodies brought to the church by Sunday, November 18.  The food will be delivered to Net on Monday morning.  Don’t worry about the turkeys…they will be stored in a freezer!  Thank you for helping!

Angel Tree
‘Tis near the season and we are all planning and making preparations!  Our Angel tree will be up and decorated by November 24 and we anticipate having the names of our foster children and Pleasant View residents on the tree by December 2.

That’s right…Souperbowl.  Can you guess what that means?  Stay tuned to your local newsletter for more information to come on that later…

~Blessings from the The Outreach Committee


St. James’ Stewardship Campaign, Transforming THROUGH Generosity, ended with our ingathering event on October 28th and a Fall Feast potluck after the 10:30AM service that day. St. James’ potlucks are the BEST – lots of wonderful food and fellowship enjoyed by all! Our thanks to Cheri McClanahan, Senior Warden and campaign leader, and her committee of Lynda Ellis, Chris Rosenker, Peter Sabonis, Maureen Suckling and Jane Barger who have given generously of their time and treasure to develop and present a creative campaign this year. We are grateful to be almost 3/5ths of the way to our goal of $210,000 and to have received pledges from 37 families to date.  The Vestry begins the 2019 Budget discussion at this month’s meeting on November 20th and knowing the amount of income projected for 2019 helps greatly in their decisions regarding compensation and expenses. For those still considering and praying about their pledge, you may bring your completed pledge sheet to all Sunday services to put in the collection plate, bring to the office or use the mail.  If you have misplaced the pledge sheet, you can pick up one in the Narthex or we will gladly mail you one or send one electronically.  Please email ( or call (301.829.0325) the office if you would like a pledge sheet sent out.  Let us all work together to transform generosity in our church, our community and our lives.


Tentative Office Hours For Laura Week of November 11
Monday through Wednesday 11-3.

You’re Invited to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 
The Stafford kids will each be in the South Carroll High School production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night-TIme and they send to you a personal invitation to join us.  The show times are 7 pm next week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday plus also 2 pm on Saturday.   We hope you can make it.


Music On the Mountain Harp and Flute Concert
On Sunday, November 11th, at 3 PM, at the Church of the Transfiguration in Braddock Heights (6909 Maryland Ave), harpist Astrid Walschot-Stapp and flutist David Whiteside will perform a concert of classical and popular works. Astrid teaches harp at Gettysburg College, and David is principal flutist for the National Symphony Orchestra. The concert is free and open to the public, although a good will offering is welcome.

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Thanks to all who signed up to donate to the Thanksgiving dinners.  Please bring your food donation to the church by Sunday, November 18 at the 10:30 service.  Please see Cheryl or Jeannie if you have questions.

Our Quartermania fundraising event is only a few weeks away on December 7th, therefore, we need several people to help post fliers at the local businesses by approximately NOV 23rd—you may choose the area of town you prefer and it will only take 30-45 minutes to accomplish this easy task.  Many hands will make light work—PLEASE VOLUNTEER!

If you would be interested in helping with postings or at the event itself, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or you may contact me, Marilyn Hancock, at or 301-788-0136.  Your help will be greatly appreciated!

The holidays are quickly approaching, therefore, St. James’ is providing a great opportunity to get a jump on your gift shopping.  Mark your calendars now for our Holiday  Quartermania event at the church on FRIDAY, DEC 7th; the doors will open at 6 pm with the games beginning at 7 pm.  Delicious refreshments will also be available for purchase throughout the evening.

For those who may not know, Quartermania is a game that can be played by anyone from three to 93–a great family activity!  Imagine a game that combines Bingo and an Auction using only quarters with lots of prizes to bid on!  This will be a great night to begin your holidays by gathering with your family and friends to win special gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

E-mail or call Judy @ 240-674-1961 to advance reserve a seat for $5 (a $3 discount!); admission fees will be collected at the door.  Come join us to experience this fun and entertaining game!


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Alan and Nancy Nanavaty (Kali, Connor)
Margaret Neff
Dave Oland

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.