The Shell Newsletter – May 31, 2018

Rector – Have You Heard We’re Moving To A Summer Schedule?

We’ve been talking about it since Easter, so I hope you know that on Sunday, June 10 we’re moving to a summer schedule with one service only at 9:30 am.

I wrote extensively about the “why” here (, but the short answer is to have more of a critical mass in the summer months as folks travel, and to give our Sunday ministries a bit of a break.

I’m looking forward to the texture of combined worship (a blend of our usual spoken and choral services), as well as building a deeper community (more on that next week!).  But I also think that one service during the summer will allow us to be playful.  The weather for the weekend looks beautiful?  Maybe we’ll put out the word that we’ll worship in the Memorial Garden instead of inside that Sunday – it will be easy since it’s just one service.  Also, who knows – with the early start, maybe an after church brunch group, park play group, or hiking group could emerge!  And don’t forget the chairs J.  I’ll give you a heads up now that for part of the summer we’re going to play with changing up the chairs – creating a “pray-ground” seating area for kids in our midst, and gasp!, maybe even sitting so we’re facing each other.

So if you haven’t already, mark your calendars now for June 10th – and be ready to set your alarms so you make it to church at 9:30 am!

Yours in God’s peace,


Quartermania Tomorrow Night

Friday, June 1st, will be a great night to begin your summer by gathering with your family and friends to win special gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

St. James’ Church will hold it’s Quartermania event at the church on FRIDAY, June 1st; the doors will open at 6 pm with the games beginning at 7 pm. Delicious refreshments will also be available for purchase throughout the evening.

For those who may not know, Quartermania is a game that can be played by anyone from three to 93–a great family activity! Imagine a game that combines Bingo and an Auction using only quarters with lots of prizes to bid on!

E-mail or call Judy @ 240-674-1961 to advance reserve a seat for $5 (a $3 discount!); admission fees will be collected at the door. Come join us to begin your summer by experiencing this fun game!!!

Also, if you are able, baked good donations for our Youth Bake Table at our Quartermania event would be greatly appreciated. We are expecting a crowd, therefore, this would be a fantastic opportunity for the youth to raise funds for their Mission Trip this summer.

Please label your donation with one copy of the INGREDIENTS then bring your donation to the church by FRIDAY, June 1st, before 6:00. I will be there from 4:00 until…😊 Please call or text me at 301-788-0136 if you have any questions.

Thank you, in advance, for your continued support of our fundraisers.


Marilyn Hancock
Quartermania Chairperson



The Basket Raffle Committee learned that the large trailer we have used in the past to transport our 60+ baskets and tables has been sold, therefore, we are greatly in need of an enclosed trailer approximately 28 feet long for Friday evening, October 12, through Saturday evening, October 13, 2018.  Please contact Don or Cheryl Windsor at (c)301-642-8487, (h)301-865-3195 or if you or someone you know may be able to help us with the use of a large trailer or two smaller enclosed ones.

Reconnect with Your Faith in Nature
Join other Frederick County faithful on an Interfaith Nature Walk! Sunday, June 10th 4-6PM. To register visit . Questions? Contact Bonnie Sorak or 443-799-0349.

Take Flat St. James with you wherever you go this summer!
We’re mixing it up a bit this summer, and instead of Flat Jesus, you can take Flat St. James on all your summer adventures!

Pick up supplies to make your own Flat St. James, and instruction sheets for taking and sharing summer pictures with him.  We can’t wait to see what our St. James’ community is up to over the summer!


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Jie Yang-Massay and Phillip Massay (Ethan)
Christina Young
Justin Acacio (Zayden Maui, Asher)

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.