The Shell Newsletter – March 8, 2018

From the Rector – Reading Luke

I read scripture, in some way or another, almost every single day.  But the joy I’ve been finding in purposely reading through the Gospel of Luke using Forward Day by Day as a guide, has been unexpected.  Part of what’s making it extraordinary, is knowing that I’m reading alongside so many folks at St. James’ – and across the entire Episcopal Church.

But more than anything, what I’m finding astonishing is the practice of reading a book of scripture straight through, which I haven’t done for some time.  I’ve been reflecting that while I read scripture daily – it is usually in the form of studying Sunday’s lessons in sermon preparation, or praying the Daily Office – where I’m following a lectionary.  That’s wonderful, but so is sinking into the flow of an entire story arc, and I now understand that is something I’ve been missing.

I can’t discount the enjoyment I’ve been having from reading the Forward Day by Day reflections themselves as well.  While I grab a new booklet every three months, it’s not a part of my daily prayer practice – just something I’ll pick up on the odd day here and there.  It’s added a nice leavening agent for spiritual reflection.

If you too are reading Luke this Lent I hope it is a fruitful exercise.  If you haven’t been, it’s not too late to join us!  Or pick up with reading Acts in Eastertide.  My hope is that through coming close to God through word and story, our capacity to live faithfully will increase.

Yours in God’s peace,


I have to admit that I cheated a little on my Lenten calendar giving.  I was so curious about what was behind those little doors and opened all of them!  Then I diligently foraged through my pantry to see what treasures I could find.  I put a check mark on the calendar denoting what I put in my shopping bags.  A shopping list was made for the remainder of the items.  What fun I had!

The boxes are due to church by March 25 to be blessed by Kristin+ before they are taken to Mt. Airy Net.  Members of the Outreach Committee will deliver the food the following week.  Thank you for your support in this effort!

The Outreach Committee is initiating a new project for the less fortunate children in our area called Box of Balloons.  You can visit the website at  The purpose of this new project is to celebrate the birthday of a child in need by providing a birthday card, themed tablecloth, napkins, party hats, a game, prizes, a dozen cupcakes, a gift, gift bag, and tissue paper, etc., for eight people.  The gift is left unwrapped so the parent may give the gift to the child.  Everything is placed in a box and is delivered to a contact person.  The committee hopes you will enjoy this new project.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Cheryl and the Outreach Committee

Finance Stewardship



Easter Egg Hunt!
Join us between services on Easter Day for an Easter Egg Hunt!  Weather permitting it will be outside in the Memorial Garden.  All children will be given a bag to fill and bubbles once it’s full.  We are asking folks to bring in filled plastic eggs for the hunt – not necessarily  with candy (indeed, that’s preferable!).  Stickers, erasers, seashells, charms, and printed scripture verses are all possible ideas.  Feel free to be creative!

A is for Africa Mite Box Ingathering on Easter Day
A reminder to everyone to bring back your Lenten mite boxes on Easter Day!  There will be a basket in front of the altar and during the Offertory you will be invited to bring forward you box.  Thank you to everyone for your continued support of A is for Africa!

Easter Flowers and Music Memorials and Thanksgivings
Please remember to submit your request by Monday morning, March 26.  There are forms available in the Narthex which can be placed in the collection plate or dropped off in the parish office.

Understanding Our Environmental Legacy III
Will be offered the four Wednesdays in April at 7 pm at St. James’.  Topics will include Maryland’s biodiversity, food waste/composting, climate change.  Please get the word out – more information to come.  Contact Liz Peterson ( or 240-446-1932 if you would like to help or have suggestions.  We have offered light refreshments in the past, any help will be appreciated!


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

David and Heather Peters (Amber, Connor)
Jon and Liz Peterson
Mary Pfefferkorn

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.