Experiencing Holy Week with Children

The Triduum – the Three Great Days – has for centuries upon centuries been a time for Christians to gather and retrace the last steps of Christ.  From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to Holy Saturday, we as a community at St. James’ engage each year in profound and meaningful liturgies, many of which speak to children, but which are not always accessible to them either because of their timing or length.

This year we’ll have a new service on Good Friday designed just for children.  Our Holy Week with Children service draws upon the rituals and symbols of all of the services of the Triduum – inviting children and accompanying adults into the story, the action, the reflection, and the wondering about this Mystery we are coming close to.

Using the framework of storytelling, this service offers a time to slow down and get ready as we encounter the story of the last time Jesus came to Jerusalem.  We gather to listen and watch, to wash each other’s feet, to reflect through art and action as we wonder what it could all mean, and then close with prayers and an invitation to return – to come and experience the ending that was a new beginning – Easter.  I hope you will join us!
Yours in God’s peace,