A Reflection on CREDO

I wrote last month about what CREDO is, a clergy wellness conference developed by the Church Pension Fund.  In short, it is a time to unplug and spend time reflecting on the health and balance in four key area:  spiritual life, finances, physical health, and vocational path.  And so it was that I spent a week on retreat, learning and discerning, and coming out at the end with a better understanding of my core values and a Rule of Life in my hand.

Ten years into ordained life, and serving my third parish, this time away was a gift.  Thank you.  I am grateful for the support of our parish leadership who “get” that time for spiritual development, continuing education, and retreat are essential for effective leadership.  I am grateful to everyone who stepped up and carried various ministry pieces while I was away.  And I am grateful to return to St. James’ with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

There are pieces of my experience that will continue to unfold in the coming months as I live into my Rule of Life – ask me about it, I’m happy to share! – and as I continue the reflection begun while away.  I look forward to sharing more fully with you the vision and dreams that have begun to take shape, the ideas and possibilities for our life and ministry together that are emerging.  And I look forward to sharing some of what I learned that I think could benefit our community.

Yours in God’s peace,