Sing to the Lord a new song

It is with sadness for us at St. James’, and joy for our Music Director Len Langrick, that I share with you that Len will be leaving St. James’ later this summer.  Len came to us with an agreement to be an Interim Music Director through April of this year, and then agreed to stay a while longer.  Len has been doing Interim gigs for the last couple of years, and while I selfishly hoped ours would be for longer, I am so excited for Len’s new permanent call.  A few years ago he was a finalist for the Choir Director position at the Unitarian Church of Annapolis, but had to withdraw because the timing wasn’t right.  That position has opened up again, and they reached out to him to offer it. He has accepted, and so his last Sunday with us will be August 7th, and then he will be with us to run MAD Camp the following week.  Keep your eyes open for a sendoff celebration thanking Len for all he has brought to our community over the last 8+ months.

In the meantime, I will be opening a search for a new Music Director for St. James’.  Please keep this search, the choir, and Len in your prayers in the coming weeks.

Yours in God’s peace,