St. James’ Nursery School Fall Fundraiser!

We are very excited to try something new for this year’s fall fund raiser!!!!

We will be using Charleston Wrap (which includes kitchen and home items, gourmet foods, personalized items, and magazines) to raise money to pay for this year’s yoga program! There is a display of the merchandise in our main lobby with sample catalogs. We would love to see 100% participation in this fund raiser  Information and order forms will be sent home beginning September 23. The money (checks payable to St. James’ Nursery School and/or cash) and order forms are due to back to the school office on October 9 (extra orders can be taken for a few days after that).  Orders can also be made online using our school ID# 9373.

Invite out-of-town friends and relatives to shop with the sites easy invite generator after registration. Orders will be delivered pre-sorted to the school about three weeks later or online orders of over $75 can be delivered for free to home. Thank you, in advance, for helping with this fund raiser.

Pat Castle, Director