DYI Tabernacling

Tabernacling is the practice of setting aside and creating sacred space in your home or office.  Do you have such a space already?  I have a few different ones in various places, but below is a picture of the little altar I made on my desk at church.  If you don’t have one, I encourage you to try it out!  Whether it’s a space for you individually, one for the whole family, or both, having space filled with meaningful objects that is a visual reminder of God’s presence and love is a wonderful thing.  It can be a place of prayer, a place to go to when we need a break or to re-center, and a place of peace.  Click on the article below to read more about how to create sacred space, and to see pictures of different kinds of spaces.  I hope the Spirit inspires you to make an altar of your own!


Yours in God’s peace,